March 9, 2025




Worship Through Songs

     He Is Faithful


     God of Wonders

     How Great is Our God



     Made In The Image of God


Announcements & Events

Our service begins at 9:30am.

Nova Class: Helping a Hurting Friend
Have you ever wanted to help a hurting friend but didn’t have the words to say? "What if I say the wrong thing? What if I cause more harm than good? What if I say something stupid?" God calls us to come alongside the broken and hurting, but sometimes we just don’t know how to do so.

In this three-week class, you will learn helpful tools for how to best come alongside a friend who is hurting and help them process their hurt in loving and healing ways. This class is adapted from a training given by EFCA’s Crisis Response Ministry and has worked wonders for people processing hurts of all kinds, from the war in Ukraine to the fires in Maui to a friend who just had a really bad week.

Hands of Mercy

Each year, the people of Nova come together to build a house for someone who needs one in Ensenada, MX. On Saturday 4/5 we will build the frame of the house in Nova's parking lot. All people of all ages are welcome to join us for this!

Then, a team of Nova people will take the frame down to Mexico and complete the build. This trip will be 4/25 - 4/27.

To sign-up for one or both builds, and more information, please visit the HOM booth at Nova after Sunday Morning Worship, or click HERE.

Women's Bible Study: The Book of Daniel

Monday evenings, 6:30 pm @ Nova, in the Fireside Room.

Women college age and above can connect and grow together through gathering around God’s word. For more information, contact Susan Welch (310-465-6479).

Serving in the Pre-K Ministry

We are looking for some more servant leaders to serve in our Sunday morning Pre-K ministry. You will serve families by providing a safe and warm space where parents can drop of their children while also teaching them about God. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please fill out the "Serving at Nova" page HERE.

Women's Mission Fellowship
  • Women's Mission Fellowship is group of women within Nova Community Church who support our local and non-local missionaries and shelters that provide refuge for those in need. WMF provides donations which include food, supplies, monetary support and most importantly, prayer support.
  • WMF meets the first Thursday of each month at Nova @10:00am.
  • If you are interested or would like to learn more about WMF, please contact Charlotte Newkirk at  chnewkir@pacbell.net.

          Click here for more info.

Feeding the Hungry and Laundry Love

  • Feeding the Hungry - Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month Nova people gather at a church in Gardena to prepare a hot meal and serve it to anyone who is in need. 
  • Laundry Love - Every 2nd Saturday of the month, Nova people gather at a local laundromat and provide laundry services for anyone who is in need.

          Click here for more info.


Nova Classes

  • Sunday classes take place each Sunday from 11:15am - 12:00pm.  See what classes are available here

Children's Ministry

  • Please check in children Nursery – grade 5 ahead of time at the NovaKids tent. PreK students will proceed directly to the Pre-K East Room to meet their teachers. NovaKids (grades K-5) will stay with their family until after the worship songs when they will be released to meet their teachers. For more information, please visit our Children's Ministry page.

Refreshment Schedule

  • Please help us bring some snacks and treats to go along with our coffee after the service!
  • We are asking you to bring snacks on different weeks in correlation with the first letter of your last name:

          A-D: First Sunday of every month

          E-L: Second Sunday

          M-R: Third Sunday

          S-Z: Fourth Sunday

  • Place the refreshments in the kitchen on the rolling cart before the service. 
  • Help roll the coffee and refreshments out after the service.
  • Please also help roll them back in and clean the trays and coffee dispensers.

Small Groups

  • Nova small groups are smaller communities of people (usually about 8-14) who meet regularly to share, pray, read God’s Word and care for each other in practical ways. Most groups meet weekly on different nights of the week. 
  • If you are interested in joining a group, or would like more information, please visit the Small Groups page of our site, or fill out this short form so we can be in touch. Small Group Info Request

Serving at Nova

  • Interested in serving at Nova? To learn more visit here on our website.
  • There are a variety of ways to serve! Help out Sundays here on campus or off-campus with our outreach ministries like Laundry Love and Feeding the Hungry.


  • If you would like to give tithes or offerings, please use the drop box located in the lobby.
  • Visit novachurch.org/giving for online giving.


  • At the end of the worship service, Prayer Team members (light blue vests) are available near the Prayer Garden.
  • You can always email prayer requests to prayer@novachurch.org and they will be sent out to the prayer team.